Hey y’all!

Thanks for checking out my site! I have been an avid cook and baker for as long as I can remember! I guess that’s what happens when Dad is Italian, the olive oil runs in our blood. After tons of people asking for my recipes, I decided that they should be shared with everyone. My amazing sister Piper decided to set up the website for me as a Christmas gift, and I’ve loved it since!

Obviously I am not able to eat everything that I make, so I continue to coach a youth volleyball team that gets to be my taste-testers for all the wild ideas that I come up with.

There is something incredibly special about cooking and baking, and the memories that are created from it.

For example, a favorite memory of food is taking a cooking class in the Tuscan countryside with my parents and sister. Fulvio (yes, he looks exactly like an Italian chef would look) taught us to make bruschetta, garlic bread, hand rolled pasta (pici), a white bean and cheese sauce, chicken saltimbocca, and my all-time favorite tomato garlic sauce (that I force everyone in my life to taste regularly). Of course, each course was paired with a local Italian wine so we all had a blast!

I hope that my love for food and some of these recipes are able to spark some fond memories for you and your loved ones!